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Mind Your Mandalas! The Original Plan


OVERVIEW: This project is designed to be enacted and to observe methods and processes among students and teachers in two visual arts classrooms and in collaborative online learning-one at Wilson Central High School, New York facilitated by Lynn Bewley and the other at Ionia High School, Ionia, Michigan facilitated by Danna Fuller.  Students in one section of each teacher’s classes will collaborate using traditional painting and drawing methods (Ionia) and digitally created versions (Wilson) of mandalas through the use of online tools. Teachers and students will use collaborate tools including Skype, digital cameras, Google tools-Docs, Drives, and email, Marqueed, Diigo, and Dropbox. 




Digital cameras

Desktop computers





Pre-Enactment Timeline


2014.March 22. Conversations about collaboration began via Facebook. 

March 25. Email conversation confirming collaboration.

April 23.  Collaboration conversation/planning via cell phone.

May 4.  Pre-Enactment Proposal/Revision-email.

May 14. Pre-assessment, prep students.


Enactment Timeline

May 15. Skype meeting, set up Marqueed accounts, introduce project to students.

May 15-30. Students participate via Marqueed and Google Docs/Drives/Email.

June 6. Enactment conclusion.



Students in one section of Mrs. Bewley’s 10th grade Media Arts class and one section of Mrs. Fuller’s 9-12 Drawing and Painting classes will participate in the enactment of visual design and collaborative learning on the subject of mandalas.  Mrs. Fuller’s students create mandalas via traditional drawing and painting methods (see Exhibit "Fuller Mandala Assignment") and Mrs. Bewley’s students will create digital mandalas using their own photographs.  Students will meet each other, critique, and provide responses via Skype and through the use of Marqueed and Google Docs, email, and Drive.  Students will assess personal learning via collaborative online tools.  Teachers will assess student processes, online learning tools, and facilitation of learning via survey, formative and pre- and post- assessment.

The purpose of this enactment is to fulfill the requirement for University of Michigan-Flint EDT 660 and to learn collaboratively with Mrs. Bewley, her students, and the students of Mrs. Fuller.


Student Preparation.  Both teachers will prepare students by introducing the project.  Teachers will explain what will happen through the enactment by addressing whole groups.  Prior to student engagement across classrooms, each teacher will have students do a pre-assessment to determine level of prior knowledge and experience with collaborative learning using Marqueed, Google Docs, Drives, and email, Survey Monkey and Skype.


  • Students in both classes take pre-assessment.

  • Students in both classes meet via Skype to discuss project and get to know each other.

  • Students in both classes set up accounts on Marqueed.

  • Teachers set up teams that consist of students from each group-Ionia and Wilson. Teams will work together on sub-tasks related to collaboration via Internet.

  • Students in Mrs. Fuller’s class create a mandala according to instructions in traditional media.  Students in Mrs. Bewley’s class create mandalas according to her instruction via digital media. 

  • Students post mandela designs on Marqueed and collaboratively critique and provide feedback to learners in both groups.

  • Ionia-Wilson student teams create questions to ask partners about personal meaning in the mandalas. 

  • Students respond to each other and to teachers via shared documents in Google Drive by sharing what they learned about the other students in their team using photos, writing, video, or other means can be created with personal devices or simply by writing a Google Doc and sharing.

  • Students and teachers close project with Skype meeting and post-assessment and survey. 


Students will complete a pre- and post- assessment to determine prior knowledge of software, and collaboration across distance.


Teachers evaluate process, project, software, and assessments


Mrs. Bewley and Mrs. Fuller will meet at the conclusion of the enactment to debrief, process what we have learned, and to discuss the possibility of working together again in the future.  Both teachers will share artifacts collected during the enactment.  Both teachers will write a report to inform and guide future collaborative online learning in the future.


Reporting on the project


Mrs. Fuller will create a Wix website documenting the enactment project between Wilson and Ionia High School visual arts classes. 

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